Geothermal energy rocks!

Things have been heating up in Morrows this summer as we finally publicly launched a really interesting and important project called GeoEnergy NI.
Over the last few months, we have been working closely with the Department for the Economy (DfE) and consortium partners led by Tetra Tech on a significant geothermal demonstrator project. It will explore the potential for sustainable geothermal energy right beneath our feet in two locations in Northern Ireland – one based at CAFRE’s Greenmount site near Antrim and the other in the Stormont Estate in Belfast. Both sites are believed to have suitable geological conditions which could deliver significant geothermal potential in the future.
Officially launched in June at an event on the Stormont Estate, the project led by DfE with scientific support from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI), will explore the potential of geothermal and also seek to demystify this technology in Northern Ireland.
As lead communications partner we will be creating awareness and understanding of this renewable energy source and its potential among key stakeholders as well as the general public. While widely used across other parts of the world for many years, it is still in its infancy in Northern Ireland and with good geology conditions under our feet here it is believed that it could have a significant part to play in our future energy mix.
Geothermal energy is a low carbon and renewable energy source from the natural heat beneath the Earth’s surface. Available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, whatever the weather, this energy source has been used for thousands of years for heating and cooling, as well as for electricity production. It is hoped that geothermal energy can play a significant part in decarbonising the Northern Ireland economy in pursuit of climate change targets and increase our security of energy supply through harnessing a locally available, cost-effective, renewable, and low-carbon energy source. The belief is that in the near future this energy source can be used as the basis for more district heating schemes or to supply heat and cooling solutions for large buildings as well as to support agricultural or other manufacturing processes.
We have already developed a comprehensive and fully integrated communications programme designed to inform and educate the public and key stakeholders about geothermal energy and deliver positive engagement and awareness of the GeoEnergy NI demonstrator project. We have conducted market research to benchmark awareness and understanding levels of geothermal energy here in Northern Ireland and will use these findings to inform our campaign.
As well as managing all media and stakeholder engagement including delivering the project launch event, we have already delivered a comprehensive project website, introductory animation, video case studies, brochure and a range of other promotional materials. We have also established project social media channels and are managing the ongoing content calendars.
Plans are already well developed to deliver a Mobile Visitor Centre to be used as part of the public education and outreach programme and will also be managing targeted advertising campaigns to promote the project and the Mobile Visitor Experience. Throughout the project we will also be completing a documentary film to capture the full story behind the project. So plenty done and plenty still to do.
The project is a very exciting development for Northern Ireland as a whole and we are privileged to be involved. We believe that the work we will be doing on behalf of the Department and partners will be critical to unearthing the geothermal potential beneath our feet for the benefit of the environment, the economy and the local community.